ADAM Israel has been perplexed by Pittwater RSL FC’s stuttering league form across the first couple of rounds.
Despite an encouraging pre-season and scintillating team performances in the FFA Cup, a first up scoreless draw with CC Strikers and a 1-0 win over St Augustine’s have been patchy at best.
“By our own high standards, we have been poor in the league,” Israel said ahead of the match of the round versus Brookvale at Cromer Park from 6pm.
“We will certainly need to go up a gear against Brookie this Saturday night or they will embarrass us.
“I’m hoping against the old foe, the boys lift the intensity.”
In better news for Pitts, key trio Cam White, Matt Phillips and Richard Mangano could return from injury.
Other games see Dee Why host Wakehurst, Narrabeen take on Seaforth, Mosman entertain Curl Curl and St Augustine’s tackle CC Strikers.