Steven Calacouras Awarded the MWFA Meritorious Services Award


At the recent MWFA Annual General Meeting, Steven Calacouras was awarded the MWFA Meritorious Services Award for his services to football in the Manly Warringah area.

Steve has been playing, coaching, managing and volunteering in the MWFA for 20 years. The journey began in 2003 with Wakehurst FC before spending 8 seasons at the CC Strikers. During this time Steve volunteered as a team coach and manager for 6 years winning an AL League title in 2004.

In 2012 Steve moved to Forest Killarney FC.

He volunteered as team manager from 2014 through to 2022 winning 2 AL Championships in 2015 and 2016 and an O/35 Championship and KO Winner in 2019. In addition to this he has coached 3 Junior teams since 2018.

In 2018 Steve joined the FKFC committee as the Sub Junior Coordinator spending his time helping to integrate new families into football ensuring their experience was a positive one. He completed his C-Licence and has been part of the club’s CCC program.

In 2019 he became FKFC VP and is currently in this role. He has tackled head on the difficult seasons endured with COVID and recently the weather with professionalism.

Steve has been instrumental in launching the FKFC Training Academy and has been one of the clubs’ strongest advocates for women’s football linking our junior girls to our senior team.

Earlier this year he ran a “Show your colours Day” bringing our junior girls together in support of the Women’s AL1 side. Steve’s passion for the club and game is second to none.

He is always helping new coaches, managers and parents at the club to ensure they have the best possible experience.

Football is about grass roots connections and Steve invests a lot of his time to make sure this happens.

Whether it’s BBQs, Field Set Up, Presentation days, Running Social pages or just lending a hand at training or on game day – Steve is the type of person every club needs and Forest Killarney very lucky to have him at FKFC.


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