Football NSW are delighted to announce that as part of the 2020 Australian Coaching Conference, Manly Warringah FA’s Curl Curl FC will be presenting on the topic “How To Improve The Coaching Experience At Your Community Club”.
The presentation will give all community football clubs an insight into the Club Coach Coordinator Program (CCC).
The CCC program is an FFA Coach Development program designed to support grassroots coaches within their own club environment to support their volunteer grassroots coaches and improve the playing and coaching experience at grassroots clubs.
Curl Curl Football Club is a community club based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. It was founded in 1958 and recently enjoyed its 60th-year anniversary. It is one of the five largest clubs in the Manly Warringah Football Association (MWFA). Curl Curl FC currently has 97 teams from Under 6s to Over 45s with 73 teams in its youth program split between mixed and girls and between competitive and non-competitive. It has 1341 registered players which has grown strongly in recent years. All their youth team coaches are volunteer parents.
Curl Curl FC was an early adopter in 2016 of the CCC program established by FNSW and promoted by MWFA. Curl Curl FC were doing some of the coaching support activities already but the CCC program allowed this to be structured and sustainable. In 2016, the club brought the CCC program to life in a way that matched the available time of its group of CCC volunteers. However, four years later, the club has evolved its CCC program to include delivering their own in house coaching workshops, a mentoring program for youth coaches, providing equipment and session plan resources and also providing regular communication and recognition for its many volunteer parent coaches.
Their CCC program is now run by a group of 11 experienced coaches (CCCs) who all contribute a small amount of extra time to keep the program running with in-built succession. Curl Curl FC is experiencing strong coach retention year on year, they find parents are more willing to volunteer to be coaches due to the support available and the club has built a reputation for a positive coaching and player community across their youth program as a result of their CCC program.
The presentation will be delivered by Curl Curl Football Club’s Head CCC Gareth Banks who is a father of players at the club and has been a volunteer CCC at the club since 2016.
“It is terrific to be able to showcase the fantastic work that has been implemented by Curl Curl FC as part of the CCC program”, said Football NSW’s Coach Development Manager Chris Adams.
“It is great to see the CCC program start to be integrated across several other community clubs across New South Wales and it is a vital tool as we look to support volunteer community coaches where they are and when they are.”
“This presentation will be give great insights into how a community football club has improved the coaching and playing experience at their club.”
The 2020 Australian Coaching Conference will be held online on Saturday 28 November, noting that registration will allow participants to access the content any time afterwards through a specially designed online platform.