HANNAH Bromley is clearly loving her time at Forest Killarney.
The head coach of the women’s Premier League conceded it has been tough results wise so far in 2018, but on field outcomes each Sunday afternoonfrom 3pm aren’t her primary focus.
“I wanted to promote an inclusive squad culture with happy players wanting to learn,” she said this week.
“We are definitely on that path, which is great.
“I knew coming in it was a clean slate, we had to build, which we are doing.”
Bromley knows she is blessed by the facilitates at Melwood Oval.
The 31-year-old also feels fortunate to be working closely with a proactive committee.
“To be honest the club has exceeded my expectations,” she said.
“Everyone has bought into one idea, the culture is great, especially the level of equality when it comes to the boys and girls.
“Ultimately that is what I’m pushing.”
On Sunday, the women’s Premier League squad are playing in the State Cup against Miranda.
They have cause for optimism, beating Hurstville ZFC 7-0 in round one.
“As long as we improve and have fun, I’ll be happy,” the exKiwi international said.
When she isn’t at Melwood Oval, you can find Bromley working 1v1 with juniors or promoting the importance of nutrition and sports phycology.
“That is my business and life passion,” she said.
“I’ve taken on a lot this year, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”