Shoosh for Kids is a collaborative effort between Office of Sport and State Sporting Organisations to promote positive sideline behaviour to their members, clubs and associations. The Shoosh for Kids campaign is aimed at promoting positive sideline behaviour at junior sports events. The general rule is, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
The purpose of the campaign is to support grass root sport to provide positive environment for their members, whilst assisting to address issues which arise from poor sideline behaviour including:
Abuse to officials
Reduced volunteer numbers
Reduced participation rates (due to poor experiences/ non-enjoyment/ too competitive)
Shoosh for Kids Week 15-21 May 2017
Register your interest to be involved using the form below
The original initiative was launched in 2015 by the Newcastle Junior Rugby League Association and Country Rugby League, which developed from New Zealands Let Kids be Kids campaign. The campaign was run as a collaborative campaign in regional NSW with six winter sports in 2016. Due to a very positive response from the sports community a state wide campaign was investigated and developed for the Summer 16/17 season, with six sports participating, four of which were run state wide.
During the Shoosh for Kids week participating clubs and associations promote the importance of keeping comments positive at junior sport. Join the conversation at #shooshforkids