Meritorious Service Award – Louise Walker

Louise Walker

Manly Warringah Football Association would like to congratulate Louise Walker on receiving the MWFA’s Meritorious Service Award for her years of dedication, commitment, and passion she has given to our footballing community and beyond.  

Louise Walker has a long and enviable track record of commitment to supporting organisations aimed at enhancing the community. Among other things, she is currently a director of 4 such organisations including being the President of Active Opportunities. Active Opportunities aims to provide accessible sport programs to all children with a disability. In partnership with Manly United Football Club and Lindfield Football Club the program uses short, game-based activities as a fun way to introduce kids to football in an inclusive way.

Louise assumed the presidency of Active Opportunities in December 2020 with a stated desire to help expand its reach to enable more kids to get the chance to enjoy and benefit from the program.

At the local football level, Louise has played with great enthusiasm for Mosman Football Club since 2010. In 2013, Louise assumed the role of Mosman Club President; a role she filled with distinction and great dedication for 6 years.

During her time as President, Louise invested countless hours in advancing the Club’s aims and in progressing football in the local area. She clocked up considerable miles each weekend as she travelled the Northern Beaches and Mosman playing fields being a highly visible club leader and supporter.

In her role as President, Louise was also a regular attendee and contributor to discussions at the then MWFA Council of Clubs meetings.

During 2018 and 2019, Louise also assumed the role of the Club’s Vice President, Youth, in addition to her responsibilities as Club President.

Louise is also a former MWFA Vice President – Women; a role she filled in 2016 and 17.

Louise remains a much sought-after source of advice on club administrative issues and remains ready to share her experience when asked.

Louise continues to volunteer to assist with special projects, most recently participating in the MWFA’s working group reviewing additional development programs and academies.

Mosman Football Club is indebted to Louise for her commitment to the Club (and broader community) over many years.


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