Register Here:
MWFA runs a flexible 14-hour format for the FFA Skill Training Certificate to make it more convenient and also more realistic for coaches to develop their knowledge and skills while working with their own team at their club. This incorporates a minimum of 7 hours on-course time, followed by post-course support including online self-reflections and feedback, being mentored by their club CCC, and attending at least one MWFA coach workshop of their choice either at their club or at Cromer Park.
The upfront cost of the Skill Training Certificate is $90 which should be paid directly to MWFA, not through playfootball, and sent before the course start date. Please see instructions below.
If you are an MWFA registered coach in the 2021 season, we will fully refund the course fee to you upon completion of all post-course tasks mentioned above.
The $90 course fee should be sent via bank transfer to the following account:
Account Name – Manly Warringah Football Association
BSB – 633-000
Account Number – 142619261
Reference – STC plus your surname e.g. STCLAWRENZ