MWFA to Host Another C-Diploma Course



MWFA is pleased to confirm that we have locked in a C-Diploma coaching course at Cromer Park for later this year. Please see dates and a registration link below. Local coaches are being given an exclusive registration window before the course is made available to the general public, as places are limited.


The main focus of the required coaching competency on the ‘C’ Diploma is on the technical aspects of the game, which includes teaching the techniques of passing, receiving, striking the ball and running with the ball, along with defending techniques to regain possession.

The required technical knowledge will be supported with an understanding of The Principles of Play and the fundamentals of coaching. Participants will be introduced to the concept of teaching behaviour in different types of practice methods as part of the education program, but also to provide insight into the ‘B’ Diploma.

The ‘C’ Diploma is a minimum of 60 hours in duration and will be delivered with face to face learning with supplementary online learning.


Coaches interested in attending the C-Diploma must have completed the pre-requisite ‘Foundation of Football’ course in 2024, or the Skill Training or Game Training Certificate in the previous 3 years. If you have not completed either of these pre-requisite courses, another Foundation of Football has been scheduled for Monday September 2, 9 and 16 at Cromer Park, 6pm to 9pm (all 3 nights). CLICK HERE to register.


MWFA C-DIPLOMA 2024 @ Cromer Park

Sunday 20th October, 8:30am to 5:30pm

Sunday 27th October, 8:30am to 5:30pm

Sunday 3rd November, 8:30am to 5:30pm

Sunday 10th November, 8:30am to 5:30pm

Register here: 


MWFA will likely host another C-Diploma in February/March next year for anyone who misses out on this upcoming course, also on 4 x Sundays.



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