Coach of the Week: Chris Mitchell

Over the last few months, MWFA has been sending our Coach Mentors out to visit all of our clubs to provide coaches with guidance and support with their training sessions, as well as occasional match visits. During this time we have come across several examples of coaches who are doing a really great job.

This week we’d like to acknowledge Chris Mitchell who coaches the U10 Yetis at Curl Curl.

See this video to check out some highlights of their recent training session, as well as some quick interviews with the coach!

MWFA Coach Development Manager Eugene Lawrenz said: “The most important skill that Chris has is his manner with the boys. He is so welcoming, encouraging and positive with all of his players, giving each of them individual attention, and I’m sure they all love to come to training every week because of that. He is also very adaptable and good at ‘reading the room’ with his group. His sessions have improved a lot this year, and he makes sure he always has every player constantly active so they can maximise their training time, and he always adds competition into every drill which makes a big difference to the intensity.

Well done Chris, and keep up the good work!

As a reward and recognition for their efforts, we are also pleased to provide their team with a few special gifts:

  • extra training balls, because every coach wishes they had more balls to use so they can do exercises where every player has a ball each to work on their control
  • mini goals, because scoring into actual goals always makes training more fun, and finishing is a skill we should encourage players to develop ever more
  • a whiteboard, so coaches can help players understand their positions and how to support each other visually, which is much more effective than just using words

Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting some other coaches from different clubs, so make sure you stay tuned to our website to see who else will be MWFA Coach of the Week.


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